Saturday, June 7, 2008

Five Tips to Treat Body Acne- Get Rid of Body Acne Fast

Do you have terrible acne? On you face, neck, shoulders and back? If you do then you are not alone, there are thousands of teenagers and also adults that suffer from body acne. This is especially true in the winter season when the temperature is very low and you have to wear a lot of clothing to keep your body warm.

Other factors that contribute to body acne includes sweating; when you sweat your pores can become clogged and cause breakouts of blackheads, Whiteheads, pimples and zits all over your body. Note that As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place. But this process is not the same for everyone as some people shed evenly while some dont. The uneven shedding then causes dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form plugs pores traps oil and bacteria inside resulting in pimple formation.

5 Tips To get rid of body acne

1. If you have body acne then you should use a salicylic acid based cleanser to wash your body daily.

2. Use a hair shampoo or pH balanced body wash for cleaning the skin.

3. Apply an Acne zapping gel to your skin at night time before going to bed.

4. It is very important that you shower everyday and especially if you have been sweating alot throughout the day. You should also use a body moisturizer that contains hydroxy acid which will prevent the skin from drying out and also prevent future breakouts.

5. Patients should wear cotton clothes as they leave the skin to breathe. Cotton clothes do not create irritation of the skin.

Casey Gentles is a aspiring health administrator, visit his website at for maximum information to get rid of acne fast.

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