Friday, May 23, 2008

A Healthy Diet And Lifestyle- To get rid of acne fast

Diet plays a prominent role in the condition of the skin and its related structures such as the nails and hair. The skin possesses three physical characteristics:

1. The Skin Is Sensitive To Nutritional Deficiencies:

The skin cells are being replaced constantly. Therefore they need a constant supply of nutrients for the production of new cells. This makes the skin particularly sensitive to nutritional deficiencies, especially proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and C, iron and zinc.

2. Eliminatory Organ:

The skin is referred to as "the third kidney" since it is actively involved in the body's purifying process. Certain amounts of of the toxins that circulate within the blood are eliminated through the skin. However the eliminatory capability of the skin can be overtaxed when there is an increased concentration of toxins because of:

- Kidney failure of liver failure

- Constipation

- A diet based on meat products

Under these conditions the skin suffers internal poisoning and reacts with various pathological manifestations, such as eczema, dermatoses and a variety of eruptions.

3. Source Of Allergic Reactions

Many food-based allergic reactions are manifested through the skin.

Acne is defined as the hypertrophy and infection of the skin's sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, an oil that protects the skin. When the follicles of these glands are obstructed, which may result from a variety of causes, the sebum cannot flow properly. The glands become infected and inflamed, producing eruptions typical of acne.

Causes Of Acne

This disease manifest itself most frequently during adolescence, however even adults up to age 40 can have acne. These are its causal factors:

a) Genetics

b) Emotional Stress

c) Hormones- particularly the androgens responsible for masculinization.

d) A diet poor in fruits, nuts, grains, legumes, vegetables and rich in refined products, animal fats and additives. Typical diet based on hamburgers, French fries or ice-cream or sweats is an example of a diet that promotes acne.

To get rid of acne fast, one most reduce the intake of sugars, refined baked goods, saturated fats, milk, chocolate and salty foods. On the other hand one should increase the intake of vegetables, fruits , whole grain soy and foods that contain Vitamin E.

A healthy diet does more for the health and beauty of the skin than any external applications or cosmetic treatments.

Casey Gentles is a naturalist and runs and operates the website He believes that a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle can help anyone to get rid of acne fast

and enjoy a clear and beautiful skin regardless of how severe the acne condition might be.

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