Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Only Way To Control Acne- Myths You Should Avoid

Natural Acne Cure

If you have been suffering from acne for quite some time, I would assume that you may have been searching and researching for that magic formula to cure your acne. What you would also realized is that there are tons of information on acne control with all different form of advice and homemade remedies.

At first you possibly may think that this is good for you so you can try several methods to treat your acne. However, when you start to try several of the so called methods you realize that most of them don't work. This is when you will become frustrated and start to panic.

The reality is most of the remedies you see online are pure myths. Thats right and because the internet is a free for all, anyone can post tips and advice and if you are not careful, you may follow some methods that can severely harm your skin.

If you suffer from an acne problem, you are much better off understanding and rejecting the myths that surround it, so that you can get on with dealing with your problem in a factual, accurate way.

Many common myths will have you expending time and energy on acne free treatments that won't work, as well as depriving you of things that you truly enjoy, such as chocolate. (Good news, chocolate intake has no impact on your skin.)

*** Myth #1***You see there is a big myth surrounding acne, and that is food can cause acne. Based on research over the years, there is no direct relation with the food you eat and your skin. Now am not saying you should go ahead and eat all type of unhealthy stuff as you know there are other factors involved when it comes to your health. Diabetes and Obesity are just a few examples.

*** Myth #2*** Another popular myth circulating the internet and other places is that your skin is dirty and if you scrub hard to remove the dirt you can cure your acne. Can you believe this? You should never believe things like these. The reason is simple; if you scrub your skin too hard you can irritate the area and make your acne worse.

And those are just two of the numerous myths about acne.

So How Do You Control Your Acne?

Simply by following a healthy regime and avoid doing stuff that will harm your skin. Let me explain:

For one you need to drink a lot of water to ensure that your cells are fully hydrated and can fight off any foreign infections.

Two, you need to shower daily to remove dirt and particles from the outer surface of your skin so that they don't clog your pores. (don't scrub hard)

Take a multivitamin daily. This will provide your body with the essential nutrients it need to carry out its functions effectively

Don't pop you pimples. Popping your pimples will only make your acne worse by depositing more dirt and bacteria from your finger tips into your skin.

I also cannot stress enough the importance of having healthy meals daily along with regular exercising.

You can learn how I cured my acne with a natural Acne Free Treatment Get a free report on how you can Control Your Acne and prevent future outbreaks.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Acne Skin Care Tips - Your Guide to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Many people think that acne is caused by dirt or eating foods such as ice-cream or chocolate, however acne is actually caused by overactive sebaceous glands. These are glands in the body that produces sebum. The main purpose of the sebum is to make the skin and hair waterproof and to protect them from drying out. An excess of sebum, however, can make the skin or hair oily and thus traps bacteria and clog the pores. The body's defense system will send out an army of white blood cells the to combat the bacteria. The overall process takes a few days and the final result is an acne pimple.

Get Rid Of Your Acne Fast Today!

There are many factors that can contribute to an outbreak of acne, factors such as: Allergies, heredity, stress, weather, menstruation and even over washing can cause acne. However there are several ways t go about and treat acne. For people who have mild to moderate acne, it is recommended to wash your face daily after any form of exercise. Note that you should be very gentle and use a soft cloth to dry off the water. You can also try to use a glycerin based soaps or sorbital face washes to wash your face twice per day with warm water. This will help to remove all the oil on the skin without over-drying or irritating it.

For moderate to sever acne, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist. A dermatologist can diagnose the problem and has many treatment options for acne to choose from. Some treatments include used prescribed topical medications for the treatment of your acne, and even oral antibiotics, which help reduce acne outbreaks. Not everyone will receive the same kind of acne treatments, and your dermatologist can tailor the treatments to your specific needs.

Taking care of your skin is the best way to reduce pimples

### Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.

### If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don't allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation. You also might want to stay away from scarves, headbands, and caps, which can collect dirt and oil, too

# Drink plenty of water Acne

# Eat as healthily as possible- Try and get as much fruits and vegetables as possible in your daily meals and also stay away from fatty foods as those will contribute to slowing the healing process.

# Exercise regularly- make sure you get some physical activities regularly, it doesn't have to be excessive strenuous exercises.

# Take a multivitamin daily

If you found the above information useful, please visit form more information about acne and how you can how you can get rid of acne fast.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Cure Acne Fast- Acne Treatments That Addresses the Source and Cause of Acne to Cure Acne Fast

Thousand of people all over the world suffer from the terrible skin condition we all know goes by the name 'ACNE'. And the worst thing about this skin condition is that it shows up right on our faces displaying all those pimples and blackheads to the rest of the world and thus lowering self esteem, cause emotional problems and even let us question our beauty.

As a former acne sufferer, I know that it can be very frustrating and disfiguring. Here is when it gets worse:

1. You have a special function to attend-The acne is so dominant in your face and you have to look awesome for that function.

2. When you are in your teenage years- acne can cause you not to have confidence to socialize with your peers because of the way your face looks.

You Have A Special Date-W Who wants to meet that special person and not have a clear and beautiful skin to look and feel confident on that first date?

The list actually goes on, but what we need to focus on is the question "Can Acne Be Cured?"

I have heard numerous advertisements, heard numerous stories and I have actually tried several product to get rid of my acne fast. All these had one thing in common, a so called promise to permanently heal acne in as little as a few days!

Many People have severe acne on there neck, face, shoulders and back. I was one such person and I have been to several different doctors for prescriptions and also tried several over the counter drugs. Some work for maybe the longest period of one month, but the acne kept coming back.

So How In The World Do You Find A Cure For Your Acne?

To get rid of acne fast you need to have a treatment that addresses the source or cause of the acne right?

Well a lot of acne suffers have been looking for that magic cure which in my opinion does not exist. Ask yourself this question, Did the ACNE pop up on your face overnight?

Why do you think it will go overnight? There are many systems that promises to cure acne in as little as one day. It is recommended that you should stay as far away from those products as these are vague promises that cannot be fulfilled.

Do you want to know how I cured my acne in 6 weeks? I suffered from severe acne through out all my teenage years (now 22) but now am happy to say my acne has disappeared. It was no magic cure and it took me a while before I found a system that actually works. Now I have been acne free for more than 10 months. Get rid of acne fast with a step by step system that teaches you how to permanently cure your acne and prevent future breakouts!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Five Tips to Treat Body Acne- Get Rid of Body Acne Fast

Do you have terrible acne? On you face, neck, shoulders and back? If you do then you are not alone, there are thousands of teenagers and also adults that suffer from body acne. This is especially true in the winter season when the temperature is very low and you have to wear a lot of clothing to keep your body warm.

Other factors that contribute to body acne includes sweating; when you sweat your pores can become clogged and cause breakouts of blackheads, Whiteheads, pimples and zits all over your body. Note that As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place. But this process is not the same for everyone as some people shed evenly while some dont. The uneven shedding then causes dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form plugs pores traps oil and bacteria inside resulting in pimple formation.

5 Tips To get rid of body acne

1. If you have body acne then you should use a salicylic acid based cleanser to wash your body daily.

2. Use a hair shampoo or pH balanced body wash for cleaning the skin.

3. Apply an Acne zapping gel to your skin at night time before going to bed.

4. It is very important that you shower everyday and especially if you have been sweating alot throughout the day. You should also use a body moisturizer that contains hydroxy acid which will prevent the skin from drying out and also prevent future breakouts.

5. Patients should wear cotton clothes as they leave the skin to breathe. Cotton clothes do not create irritation of the skin.

Casey Gentles is a aspiring health administrator, visit his website at for maximum information to get rid of acne fast.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Stunning Tips How to Eliminate Acne for Good without Side Effects

Almost everyone experience acne at some time or the other throughout their lives. It was reported by the National Institute of Health that nearly 85% of adolescence and young adults between the ages of 12 and 24 suffers from acne. Though it is mostly teenagers that are affected some adults up to age 40 also suffers from this condition.

Being bombarded with so many acne products on the market, it can be a very difficult to chose what is best for you and your child. "Most products either don't work very well or have a litany of side effects," says Amy Baker, founder of Nature's Cure, an innovative health and beauty products company. Acne is a sign that something has gone wrong with the body and so it should be treated both as an internal and external condition.

Are You Using Nonprescription Treatments?

Most over the counter drugs are typically in the form of cream or gel that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These medications may take up to 4 weeks to work and on top of that they also do not clear the acne completely. The reason for that is these drugs do not address the source of the acne and so you have to taking them consistently to keep fighting the acne. Another side effect to using these medications is that most results skin irritation, burning or redness.

What about Prescription Treatments?

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat acne. Antibiotics works to clear the skin from bacteria, however it does not clear up the very deep cases of acne. In such cases oral antibiotics such as tetracycline or minocycline are used. These oral antibiotics are more effective to clear up the acne as they work in a systematic manner. The downside to these antibiotics is that they can cause side effects such as:

Photosensitivity (higher risk of sunburn)


Upset stomach and

Skin Discoloration

Must be taken for up to 4 months

Increase in Antibiotic Resistance

For very severe acne a prescription known as Accutane has been used to successfully clear up acne when other medication fails. However using Accutane can cause serious side effects such as Join and Muscle pain, Eye Irritation, Hair Thinning, Intestinal, urinal and headache symptoms. It has also been found that it is associated with increased risk of depression and suicide.

For people searching for less toxic ways to cure their acne, there is a natural holistic treatment called the “Acne No More System” Because acne is caused by a combination of factors, including hormonal imbalance, over production of oil and trapped bacteria on the outside of the skin, stress etc. it is important to treat acne both internally and externally. This natural holistic treatment works to rebalance the body, clear up existing acne and prevent future breakouts.

Most prescription and over the counter drugs work to clear up acne, but only for a short period of time and so you have to be consistently taking these medication to see any results. They also promote various side effects and so they actually do more harm than good.

There is a natural holistic treatment that has been proven to cure acne fast and without any side effects. This system works to address both the internal and external cause of acne, eliminate the acne and prevents future outbreaks.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Healthy Diet And Lifestyle- To get rid of acne fast

Diet plays a prominent role in the condition of the skin and its related structures such as the nails and hair. The skin possesses three physical characteristics:

1. The Skin Is Sensitive To Nutritional Deficiencies:

The skin cells are being replaced constantly. Therefore they need a constant supply of nutrients for the production of new cells. This makes the skin particularly sensitive to nutritional deficiencies, especially proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and C, iron and zinc.

2. Eliminatory Organ:

The skin is referred to as "the third kidney" since it is actively involved in the body's purifying process. Certain amounts of of the toxins that circulate within the blood are eliminated through the skin. However the eliminatory capability of the skin can be overtaxed when there is an increased concentration of toxins because of:

- Kidney failure of liver failure

- Constipation

- A diet based on meat products

Under these conditions the skin suffers internal poisoning and reacts with various pathological manifestations, such as eczema, dermatoses and a variety of eruptions.

3. Source Of Allergic Reactions

Many food-based allergic reactions are manifested through the skin.

Acne is defined as the hypertrophy and infection of the skin's sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, an oil that protects the skin. When the follicles of these glands are obstructed, which may result from a variety of causes, the sebum cannot flow properly. The glands become infected and inflamed, producing eruptions typical of acne.

Causes Of Acne

This disease manifest itself most frequently during adolescence, however even adults up to age 40 can have acne. These are its causal factors:

a) Genetics

b) Emotional Stress

c) Hormones- particularly the androgens responsible for masculinization.

d) A diet poor in fruits, nuts, grains, legumes, vegetables and rich in refined products, animal fats and additives. Typical diet based on hamburgers, French fries or ice-cream or sweats is an example of a diet that promotes acne.

To get rid of acne fast, one most reduce the intake of sugars, refined baked goods, saturated fats, milk, chocolate and salty foods. On the other hand one should increase the intake of vegetables, fruits , whole grain soy and foods that contain Vitamin E.

A healthy diet does more for the health and beauty of the skin than any external applications or cosmetic treatments.

Casey Gentles is a naturalist and runs and operates the website He believes that a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle can help anyone to get rid of acne fast

and enjoy a clear and beautiful skin regardless of how severe the acne condition might be.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Acne Introduction- 3 Tips to get rid of your acne fast

Acne is one of the most common skin disorder that affect teenagers and also adults up to age 40. More than 85% of Americans age 12- 25 will have acne at some time or the other.

Acne is a very terrible and disfiguring skin disease that should be treated promptly. If acne is left untreated it can become infected can create scars all over the face, neck, chest and back that becomes permanent.

Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands, under your skin, become contaminated with oily toxic matter, which contains,

1. Dirt

2. Dead skin

3. Excess sebum oil

4. Acid waste

5. Bacteria

6. Toxic matter

The sebaceous glands secrete oil through the pores to keep the skin moist and lubricated; this is to protect the skin from drying out and from other effects of the environment. If the pores of your skin are clogged, then the toxic waste will be prevented from moving out which results in pimple growth. The pimples will also get bigger as the toxic waste accumulates under the surface of the skin.

When the pore walls underneath the skin are burst, the white blood cells will move to digest the collagens around the pores. This process is responsible for the formation of scars.

To avoid having scars, you need to start an acne-clearing program before you get acne or just as soon as you see acne coming so that your pimples and back heads don't get to the point where they get severely infected and burst.

Getting Rid Of Your Acne

Acne is a signal that something is going wrong in the body. Acne can be caused by several factors, these factors include: heredity, oily skin and androgens. There are other factors that can also cause acne pimples. Such factors include allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and exposure to certain industrial pollutants, cosmetics, stress and even allergic reactions to certain drugs.

1. To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels.

2. Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating - such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out.

3. At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts.

To get rid of acne fast, it is not always possible to just do one thing and expect acne to go away. A balanced diet, herbal treatment, and colon cleanse alone may be able to clear acne. A balance diet will provide the nutrients necessary to build the immune system so speed up the process of getting rid of acne.

For information on how to get rid of acne fast, please go to